Accidents Related To Excessive Speed

The 21-year old passenger in a speeding vehicle was killed after the car he was in smashed through a fence and into a parked car. The driver of the vehicle—just 21 years old as well- suffered serious injuries and was taken to a nearby trauma unit. The incident is a frightening reminder of how dangerous the road can be when drivers exceed posted limits. Sadly, the dangers abound for speeding drivers and innocents in their sphere of influence.
Consequences of Speeding
From a strictly scientific standpoint, the faster a vehicle is going, the greater the likelihood of death in a crash. In fact, for each ten miles per hour that speed is increased, the associated risk of dying in a crash goes up by a factor of two. The increase of 20 mph from 60 to 80 mph quadruples the risk of a fatal collision. Factors that exacerbate the risks include the following:
- Curves: Centrifugal force simply makes it more difficult to stay in a given lane;
- Weather: Wet or icy roads and diminished visibility wreak havoc on drivers, especially when high speeds decrease the response-time cushion for safety;
- Distractions: Without question, losing focus due to cell-phone use, eating or drinking, fiddling with the radio, or attending to kids, pets, or passengers are among the many dangers that can become deadly, particularly at high speeds.
- External surprises: If a dog, pedestrian, or bicyclist dashes out onto the road, another vehicle swerves into the lane, or a bird smashes into the windshield, drivers have little time to evade the problem at high speeds;
- Vehicle condition: A vehicle that is not well maintained is more likely to experience mechanical failures including tire blowouts that can lead to disaster.
- Driver impairment: Drivers who are inebriated or under the influence of drugs have slower reaction time, making speed another enemy on the road;
- Driver fatigue: A driver who is exhausted may have a difficult time staying in the lane and cannot respond to emergencies that pop up while driving, especially at high speeds;
- Vehicle Size: Larger vehicles take longer to slow down, so big rigs and trucks are at much greater risk of fatalities in a high speed collision.
What to do When Speeders are on the Road
When someone is in a hurry, your best bet is to move out of the left lane and let them pass. It’s important to give these drivers plenty of room, as their chances of losing control of their vehicle rises with the increase in speed. Understand too, that speeding is directly tied to aggressive driving. Such a driver may be attempting to get you to engage in similarly aggressive driving behaviors. That is definitely not a good idea! Do your best to evade such motorists, and call 911 if it’s a situation that becomes too dangerous to handle by yourself.
When You Get Hurt
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured or worse, killed, due to a reckless speeder, the experienced and determined Baltimore personal injury lawyers at The Law Office of Hasson D. Barnes can help. Schedule a confidential consultation in our office today.