Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Common Crash Causes
The life of a 30-year-old man was cut short in January 2021 through no fault of his own. Luke Souders was rear-ended on 1-95, leading to a chain reaction that involved multiple vehicles. One other person was hospitalized due to the incident. The prevalence of serious traffic accidents on Maryland roadways gives reason for… Read More »

Tractor-Trailer Accidents
Any traffic accident is frightening, perhaps none more than accidents involving tractor-trailers. The size and power of these big rigs can overwhelm smaller vehicles, jeopardizing the safety and well-being of everyone involved. If you or a loved one has been involved in such an accident, having a hard-hitting personal injury attorney in your corner… Read More »

Has Domestic Violence Destroyed your Marriage?
The shudder of violence is a constant thread in your marriage. It started out so perfectly, leaving you unprepared for the darkness that slowly enveloped you. Was it a sudden, inexplicable burst, or did the danger creep in, one heavy step at a time? If you are like other victims, you may have questioned… Read More »

The Cost of Running Red Lights
Anita Marie Leach was having a typical day as she drove along Courtleigh Drive one November day. Until it wasn’t. Leach’s vehicle was decimated when the driver of a box truck careened through a solid red light, killing Leach and injuring a passenger. The truck driver was immediately charged with negligent vehicular manslaughter and… Read More »

Injured In A Motorcycle Accident?
A Sunday afternoon motorcycle ride ended in tragedy when decorated Staff Sergeant Aubrey Mitsch of the Maryland National Guard was killed in October 2020. Mitsch’s motorcycle was struck by a vehicle that was changing lanes on I-95 in Delaware. The driver of the vehicle merged into traffic and did not see Mitsch on her… Read More »

Dealing with A Traumatic Brain Injury
If a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI), you are likely beginning to come to terms with the severity of the condition. Like 1.5 million Americans who experienced a TBI this year, some sort of event impacting the brain changed life forever. If you or a family member has been the… Read More »

Steps Leading up to Divorce
There’s nothing pleasant about divorce, yet roughly half of couples opt to pursue the legal termination to marriage. What happens to the marital relationship that brings people to this point? One counselor shares the top five reasons that couples say lead to giving up on marriage. They Don’t Communicate When daily chores become part… Read More »

Celebrity Divorces Cost Millions
While property settlement issues are never easy, when huge amounts of money are involved, the eye-popping settlements can provide both former spouses with luxury living for years to come. Such is the case in many celebrity divorces, where well-known stars wind up paying spouses millions when the marriage falls apart. Property Division in Maryland… Read More »

Negligence Leads to Boating Injuries
As two women boarded a pontoon boat in Ocean City, they were struck by the rotating propeller, incurring serious, though not life-threatening injuries. As a result of the incident, the boat operator was charged with negligent operation of a vessel. If you have experienced serious injuries due to the negligence of another person, you… Read More »

Drugged Driving is Dangerous
Drivers make poor choices every day. One of the most dangerous involves the use of drugs before getting behind the wheel. Whether the drug is illegal or a prescription, when the effects impair the driver, it puts everyone at risk. If you or a loved one has been seriously harmed by a drugged driver,… Read More »