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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Gray Divorce Can Be Costly For Women

By Hasson D. Barnes |

The rate of gray divorce—divorce for individuals who are 50+—has more than doubled in the past few decades, and women are discovering that the aftermath of divorce can be financially problematic.  There are notably difficult financial outcomes for women of gray divorce compared to their male counterparts.  Understanding these challenges is critical for anyone… Read More »

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Can You Modify An Existing Custody Agreement?

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Divorce is a tumultuous time, and the number of decisions you have to make in the midst of the emotional chaos can be overwhelming.  Maybe you just wanted to get out as quickly as possible; maybe you felt intimidated by your spouse and didn’t dare fight for the things you wanted.  But the bottom… Read More »

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Deadliest Driving Holidays

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Across the calendar, holidays splash a bit of comradery and fun into our lives, frequently uniting families across the miles to celebrate together.  One of the downsides of increased holiday travel, however, is the uptick traffic accidents that often accompany holiday weekends. Why do Accidents Increase?  Added to the congested roadways due to the… Read More »

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Wrong-Way Driving

By Hasson D. Barnes |

As inexplicable as it may seem, wrong-way driving is a recurring problem on roadways across Maryland and the nation at large. These incidents result in head-on collisions all too often, and many have fatal outcomes. Causes  What could possibly cause people to drive on the wrong side of the road?  Clearly, they are confused,… Read More »

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Help! I Want To Retire But Am Overwhelmed With Alimony Obligations

By Hasson D. Barnes |

‘Til death do us part—it’s a phrase repeated by so many couples, but one that doesn’t seem to hold water like it did in the old days.  Divorce happens left and right these days, and for many, it can get complicated years down the road as individuals get older and earn less. Especially for… Read More »

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Preparing For Gray Divorce

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Older Americans have seen climbing divorce rates since the early 90’s, with rates doubling for those over 55, and tripling for those over 65.  If you are an older American who is considering a split, it’s important to have a complete understanding of what the financial implications may be. While you can no doubt… Read More »

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Accidents Involving Scaffolding

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Scaffolding is all around us, enabling workers on construction sites and maintenance workers to access hard-to-reach areas as they complete their work. But scaffolding is involved in far too many accidents that harm, or even kill workers.  If you or a loved one has suffered a scaffolding accident that has resulted in serious consequences,… Read More »

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Elder Abuse And Personal Injury Claims

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Has an elderly loved one suffered abuse or neglect at the hands of an uncaring, devious, or heartless individual?  Whether it’s a family member, paid caregiver, or medical professional, seeing an adored grandparent, parent, aunt, or uncle suffering due to the cruelty of another is unthinkable.  In addition to criminal charges, such individuals may… Read More »

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Can Your Tax Refund Make A Desired Divorce Possible?

By Hasson D. Barnes |

If the anticipated cost of getting a divorce is the biggest obstacle to escaping a bad marriage, tax season may be a godsend for you. Couples across the country are finding that splitting up is worth every dollar when they have a chunk of cash coming back from Uncle Sam in their annual tax… Read More »

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In-Laws And Divorce

By Hasson D. Barnes |

When a couple divorces, it impacts lots of people besides just the couple themselves. Setting aside all of the snide witticisms about unmanageable mothers-in-laws, plenty of couples struggle with how to navigate interactions with in-laws.  While there’s no distinct answer that addresses every situation, there is universal understanding that these relationships will be changing…. Read More »

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