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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Positive Changes In Maryland Divorce Law

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Many are cheering the changes to Maryland’s notoriously onerous divorce laws that come into effect in October 2023, noting that the time and drudgery associated with getting a divorce in the state will lessen to a significant extent. Welcome to No-Fault Divorce  One of the biggest and most welcome changes in the law involves… Read More »

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Chemical Hair Relaxers And The Cost To Black Women

By Hasson D. Barnes |

She was a newlywed, and couldn’t wait for the day that she could announce to her groom and the world that she was pregnant. But for Kenya Appling, it was not to be. Instead of creating a new family, Appling underwent a hysterectomy to rid her body of the uterine cancer plaguing her. She… Read More »

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Is The Seven-Year-Itch A Real Thing?

By Hasson D. Barnes |

How long does the average marriage last for first-timers in this country? Eight point two years. Some say the mythical seven-year-itch takes its toll, and couples decide to split after spinning their wheels for a period of time. What does research have to say about it? Adult Cycles  The truth is that  researchers have… Read More »

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Don’t Make These Mistakes After Experiencing Personal Injury

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Injuries of any kind can be devastating physically, mentally, and financially.  When those injuries are the result of another party’s negligence or outright recklessness, it may be even more difficult to process and deal with. That’s why anyone suffering a serious injury under these circumstances should never try going it alone.  Instead, consider a… Read More »

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Co-Parenting Can Work In Divorce—Even When One Parent Is Difficult

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Even for divorced couples who have a fairly decent relationship, co parenting can bring tough times.  For couples who struggle to tolerate one another,  the thought is absolutely overwhelming! But know this: you can make things work, regardless of your feelings toward your ex or your coparent’s issues.  Here’s how. 1-    Prioritize the kids: … Read More »

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The Danger Of Nursing Pillows

By Hasson D. Barnes |

What could be more devastating than to lose a newborn baby under avoidable circumstances?  Sadly, hundreds of parents are discovering this agony after utilizing nursing pillows, popular items that have been associated with numerous infant deaths. Suffocation  Millions of these pillows are sold annually in America, and many are used with no adverse outcomes… Read More »

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Divorce And Social Security

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Are you a senior who’s considering divorce, but who is concerned about how you’ll make ends meet? If so, there may be good news for you from the Social Security Administration. There are, in fact, nearly 700,000 Americans currently enjoying these benefits, primarily, though not exclusively, women. Collect a Benefit  Nearly half of people… Read More »

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Intersection Crashes

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Another family had to be notified that they’d lost a loved one in an intersection crash in Lusby, Maryland. This time the victim was 60-year-old Denise Chaconas-Brown, who’d been attempting a left turn when a collision with a southbound driver who suffered serious injuries of her own.  It was one more avoidable tragedy occurring… Read More »

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Divorce: Getting It Right

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Sure, divorce can be stressful, but the fact is, some people make things more difficult than it needs to be.  So before you take it on, consider the following dos and don’ts: Do hire a local lawyer to represent your interests: Things will work out better if both you and your spouse have your… Read More »

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Car/Building Collisions

By Hasson D. Barnes |

A Baltimore building literally crumbled, killing an innocent pedestrian, after the driver of a stolen vehicle smashed into it. In an unrelated incident, a bus that was avoiding a collision with another vehicle smashed into a building, leading to injuries for no less than sixteen people in Baltimore.  How Common is This Sort of… Read More »

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