Category Archives: Divorce

Figuring Out If Divorce Is The Right Move
If you’ve been thinking about telling your spouse that you want a divorce but just can’t decide if you’re ready to take the leap, it may be worthwhile to do some guided reflection. Mental health worker Mandy Kloppers has developed a series of questions that can help you make the right move for you…. Read More »

Divorces Surge Since The Election
Since election day last November, there’s been a marked increase in enquiries into divorce across the country. It seems that couples who voted differently had such strong feelings about a spouse that supported the “wrong” candidate found it impossible to achieve or maintain a contented relationship. What’s behind the increase in divorce filings? Cutting… Read More »

When Tragedy Puts Your Marriage In Crisis
When couples go through severe stress due to tragedy, they often struggle to remain grounded and connected. It might be a natural disaster that destroys everything they own, having a child die in a horrible accident, or being diagnosed with a life-changing condition—these and other events may cause spouses to wrestle with feelings of… Read More »

Will Your Credit Score Survive A Divorce?
As though divorce itself isn’t bad enough, some people discover they have an ex who has destroyed their credit rating once the final papers are signed. It could mean they no longer qualify for loans. You can avoid that fate by taking financial matters into your own hands. Organize Your Finances While it’s always… Read More »

Preparing For Gray Divorce
Older Americans have seen climbing divorce rates since the early 90’s, with rates doubling for those over 55, and tripling for those over 65. If you are an older American who is considering a split, it’s important to have a complete understanding of what the financial implications may be. While you can no doubt… Read More »

What You May Not Know About Divorce
Most of us know someone who is stuck in an unhappy marriage—probably several people, in fact. With all the misery we hear about, plenty of people are still getting married, hoping that their love story is immune to the wretchedness they see elsewhere. But nearly as common as marriage in this country is divorce…. Read More »

Happy New Year! Let’s Get Divorced
Every word, every gesture, every moment of the holidays with your spouse felt phony. You stuck it out, but it wasn’t easy, and you really can’t imagine much more. You’ve been pretty miserable for a long time, and, to tell the truth, you haven’t done much to contribute to the relationship yourself. So even… Read More »

Divorce And Social Security
Are you a senior who’s considering divorce, but who is concerned about how you’ll make ends meet? If so, there may be good news for you from the Social Security Administration. There are, in fact, nearly 700,000 Americans currently enjoying these benefits, primarily, though not exclusively, women. Collect a Benefit Nearly half of people… Read More »

Divorce: Things May Be Different Than You Think
There are all kinds of misconceptions about divorce these days, making it difficult to know if what you think is about to happen is what will actually occur when you file for divorce. While every scenario is different, there are some basics that you really should understand as you move forward with your plans…. Read More »

Time For A Divorce Shower
A divorce shower? You’ve got to be kidding! Since when do people celebrate the end of a marriage? Actually, it’s happening more often than you might think. And why not? When you split up, it generally means splitting up all the stuff you have. Maybe you no longer have a crock pot, a spatula,… Read More »