Category Archives: Personal Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can occur over a period of time when the brain was exposed to extreme jarring, such as in the case of boxers, or they can be the result of a single tragic event, such as an automobile collision. It is a sad fact that roughly 1.5 million people suffer from… Read More »
New York Limousine Crash a Cautionary Tale
It was the most deadly traffic accident in the United States since 2005. Seventeen unsuspecting party-goers lost their lives, along with their chauffeur and two innocent pedestrians. How could a night of merriment to take such an awful turn? Who was responsible for the tragedy, and what recourse do their families have at this… Read More »
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Now Found In Combat Veterans
Traumatic brain injuries as they occur in NFL players have received widespread attention of late, especially in conjunction with a condition known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a degenerative brain disorder typically caused by sustaining multiple concussions which leads to severe depression, memory loss, and sometimes severe aggression/anger issues. CTE has landed a number… Read More »
Personal Injury & Wrongful Death Claims for Nursing Home Neglect & Abuse
Sadly, far too many elderly residents die in nursing homes every year due to neglect or sometimes intentional infliction of harm. In fact, according to one study, 30 percent of nursing homes in the U.S. have been cited for thousands of instances of abuse each year, abuse that includes bedsores, dehydration, preventable accidents, inadequate… Read More »
Autonomous Vehicles, Accidents, and the Future
The shocking number of autonomous vehicle accidents that have injured and killed both drivers and pedestrians over the last few years understandably has people worried, especially since the autonomous vehicle promoters appear to be undeterred in pushing forward as fast as they can to get as many of these vehicles as possible out on… Read More »