Dealing with A Traumatic Brain Injury

If a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI), you are likely beginning to come to terms with the severity of the condition. Like 1.5 million Americans who experienced a TBI this year, some sort of event impacting the brain changed life forever. If you or a family member has been the victim of a violent or negligent incident that has resulted in lifelong TBI impacts, it may be worth your while to consult with a local personal injury attorney in order to explore the possibility of collecting damages to deal with the effects of the injury.
Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury
Over five billion people live with TBI across the globe. The symptoms associated with TBI differs among patients, often consisting of a combination of symptoms. These may include:
- Sensory processing disorders;
- Changes in emotions and reactions to stimuli;
- Problems focusing and maintaining attention;
- Issues with cognition and/or processing;
- Inhibited memory;
- Seizures;
- A loss of self-awareness;
- Severe or chronic pain.
What Causes Traumatic Brain Injuries?
A TBI may be the result of any number of issues, including hypoxia, chemical exposures, tumors, strokes, and infections. We most commonly associate TBI with head injuries, however. Such an injury is devastating; and to add insult to injury, when the TBI was a result of preventable human negligence or cruelty, it is even more devastating in some ways. When that is the case, the injury may be compensable. So what are the most common issues that might wind up in a courtroom? A number of TBI causes associated with human error or malice include:
- Gunshot wounds to the head;
- Blunt trauma resulting from a fall;
- Severe force related to shaking;
- Trauma from a motor vehicle collision;
- Infections following surgery;
- Loss of oxygen consistent with drowning incidents;
- Drug overdose;
- Exposure to solvents, insecticides, etc. ;
- Sports injuries.
According to the Maryland Traumatic Brain Injury Board, the secondary impacts of TBI can be shattering, as well. Frequently, TBI symptoms are misdiagnosed, or patients are not properly connected to the resources they need. This can lead to behaviors that push patients into homelessness or incarceration. That’s precisely why appropriate treatments and interventions are essential.
Culpability Following an Incident
Why seek legal assistance after a TBI? In the event the TBI occurred as a result of, say, poor safety protocols in the workplace, medical malpractice, assault, or a reckless or negligent motorist, you may wish to consider legal action to address the financial burdens associated with the TBI. It is possible to seek compensation related to:
- Medical costs;
- Psychiatric interventions;
- Lost wages;
- Support services;
- Various therapies;
- Funeral costs if necessary.
At the Law Office of Hasson D. Barnes, our Baltimore personal injury lawyers are dedicated to obtaining the best possible outcomes for victims of TBI and their families. Schedule a confidential consultation in our office today to discuss the possibilities.