Has Domestic Violence Destroyed your Marriage?

The shudder of violence is a constant thread in your marriage. It started out so perfectly, leaving you unprepared for the darkness that slowly enveloped you. Was it a sudden, inexplicable burst, or did the danger creep in, one heavy step at a time? If you are like other victims, you may have questioned your own responsibility for the violence, blaming yourself for not being “enough.” Whether violence is relatively new to your relationship or has been ongoing for decades, the facts are these: it’s not your fault, and you deserve better. If you are ready to file for divorce, an experienced local attorney can help.
It can Happen to Anyone
Domestic violence is a very real and very terrifying part of life for thousands across the United States. Incredibly, about a third of women and a quarter of men have experienced a physical altercation at the hands of an intimate partner at some time in their lives. It is estimated that there are roughly 20 such incidents in the United States every minute of the day. Here in Maryland, domestic violence resulted in the deaths of 23 people just last year. The facts are grim:
- 9 women died at the hands of current or former boyfriends;
- 2 women were killed by domestic partners;
- 6 women were killed by current or ex-husbands;
- 1 man died after an attack by his girlfriend and two conspirators;
- 1 man was killed by an ex-girlfriend;
- 1 man was murdered by his girlfriend and her husband;
- 3 bystanders were killed because they attempted to assist victims.
In the majority of these deaths—nearly seven in ten—guns were used. Knives were the second most frequently used weapon in domestic violence fatalities, followed by heavy objects used to cause blunt force trauma.
Legal Help in the Face of Fear
Here in Maryland, nearly 23,000 temporary and 11,000 final protective orders were issued in 2018. If you are married, separated, or divorced and have been raped or assaulted and are in fear of your attacker, a protective order may be the best option for you.
What Constitutes Abuse?
Maryland courts identify a number of actions that could make you eligible for a protective order, including the following:
- An assault;
- Any action that places you in fear of, or that actually causes imminent harm;
- An attempted or actual sexual offense or rape;
- Revenge porn;
- Staking;
- Illegal Imprisonment.
While initially you may be granted only a temporary order (pending the gathering of more information), you may ultimately obtain a final protective order, giving you a full year of legal safeguards.
Advocating for You
At The Law Office of Hasson D. Barnes, victims of domestic violence always have a vigorous defender as they work toward divorce. Let our Baltimore divorce lawyers help. Your life is worth it. Contact us for a confidential consultation today.