Questions for your Divorce Attorney

As your marriage unravels and you reflect on the possibility of a divorce, you probably realize that having an experienced family law attorney on your side is an incredibly important thing. But how do you know if you’re getting the representation you need? The initial consultation can reveal some very important information, if you just ask the right questions!
Ask the Right Questions
It is essential that your divorce attorney understand the particulars of your situation. Likewise, you want to have a clear picture of what your attorney will be able to do for you, and precisely what you can expect going forward. That’s why it would behoove you to clarify these important issues:
- Attorney experience: You want to know if your attorney handles a wide variety of legal issues, or if family law and divorce is the focus. How 3-long have they been practicing law?
- Is the firm willing to provide references from previous clients to indicate how satisfactory services have been?
- Costs: What is the anticipated cost associated with your divorce? Will an initial retainer be required? If so, how much? What hourly rate will you be charged, and how are billable hours calculated? Will you be responsible for other costs associated with the process? Will specialists—perhaps private investigators, forensic accountants, social workers, or others, be necessary? If so, what additional costs will you be facing?
- Availability: Will the attorney be available to take your calls and answer questions/address matters as they arise? How long should you expect to wait for a returned phone call? Are there other people at the firm that you will be working with or communicating with? If so, who are they, and is it possible to meet them?
- Temporary orders: Will it be necessary to secure temporary orders to address living arrangements, child custody, support, or other issues right away?
- Support payments: What will your finances look like when this is all over? How are child and/or spousal support amounts calculated? How long do such payments last? What, if any, tax implications need to be considered?
- Spousal interactions: How much communication should be occurring between you and your spouse at this time? Should all matters pass through attorneys, or would you be better off attempting to come to agreements in a one on one meeting with your spouse?
Getting it Right
This is a major upheaval of your life; make sure you get it right by having the best attorney by your side. Your circumstances are unique to you. You want a Baltimore family lawyer who recognizes this and responds accordingly. At the Law Office of Hasson D. Barnes, you can count on precisely that. Schedule a confidential consultation in our office today.