When Politics Leads To Divorce

Everyone knows that it’s not polite to discuss religion or politics in polite society. In some cases, they are topics to be avoided even if you’re married, unless you’re up for a lot of consternation. The discussions that emanate from these matters—politics in particular, for this discussion—can create some very strong feelings, and can destabilize a relationship, sending it right to divorce court. The truth is, getting divorced because of political differences is becoming more frequent than ever, perhaps because of the extreme disparities that exist between the two major political parties in modern times.
Political Tribalism
Sure, honest differences of opinion related to politics have been around for generations. But nowadays it’s not unheard of for loyalists on either side of the divide to view the other as an outright enemy. The kind of devotion that is aimed at specific candidates and ideologies these days is intense and resolute. Without question, differences this significant can mean trouble for any marriage. That could be the reason that more than one in 10 divorcees surveyed believed that a major factor in their break-up was the difference of opinions on political issues. Millennials reported this conclusion at even higher rates.
Media Doesn’t Help
The influence of modern technology is undeniably related to this latest divorce trend, as the 24-7 news cycle keeps people engrossed in political opinions and newscasts day in and day out. The level of interest—in some cases obsession—in politics clearly propels some to become more juiced up about political candidates and topics. If the individuals in a marriage are from two different political parties and have very different political opinions, the tension created in the relationship is all but preordained.
Is it a Sign of More Serious Issues?
Political passions tend to align with core values people hold. That being said, might differences in the political philosophies of spouses be an indication of disparities that run even deeper? When two different political philosophies are juxtaposed against one another, it might reveal different worldviews that are essentially at odds for two people. If couples can’t find common ground on those differing issues, or at least find a way to honor and respect basic differences, the marital relationship may be in serious trouble. Can a person live with and love a partner who is on the other end of the political spectrum? The chances of a successful relationship weaken when there’s a repeated effort to change the other person’s point of view. Is mutual respect possible? In these volatile political times, sometimes it is not.
Open Communication
For couples who are struggling to survive these political times, here are some ideas to help cool escalating political discussions:
- Remember to communicate respectfully, based on some basic ground rules that are grounded on:
- Truly listening for understanding;
- Using calm voices;
- Rooting discussions in shared goals.
- Instead of showing derision for your partner’s views, try to develop a curiosity about their opinions and understand what motivates them to think that way.
- Hold yourself accountable to being composed and reasonable, and if your spouse becomes disrespectful, call it out on the spot so it doesn’t develop into a pattern.
When There’s No Solution
If you’re one of the many couples who just can’t survive the political differences in your marriage, the experienced Baltimore family attorneys at The Law Office of Hasson D. Barnes are here for you. We will work to ensure the best possible outcomes for you. Schedule a confidential consultation in our Baltimore office today.