Wrongful Death In Maryland

Anyone who’s lost a loved one due to the recklessness or negligence of someone else knows the agony of real loss. Whether it was a dangerous workplace environment, a drunk driving incident, a cavalier daycare worker, a careless surgeon, or an enraged bully, there is a strong likelihood that you may be eligible for significant damages to address the medical issues, emotional devastation, and lost future wages associated with the incident. In fact, a Montgomery County judge recently ruled that the parents of a student who’d attended Bethesda’s Landon School could sue the school for wrongful death after his suicide. The 16-year-old had suffered multiple emotional traumas, a concussion, and negative judgments from classmates over what they deemed a racist drawing. After being forced to leave the private prep school, the young man hung himself in his room using a Landon banner. The court found that the school officials should have been able to foresee the potential for this outcome and intervened to prevent it. The apparatus his parents are using to get some modicum of justice is to file a wrongful death lawsuit, just as any family can do when a death is the result of negligence or recklessness.
Who can File Suit?
As a surviving spouse or parent, or child of the deceased, you are entitled to file a wrongful death suit. If the decedent had no such living relatives, other relatives related by blood or marriage who were financially dependent on the deceased are also able to file suit.
What are Damages?
Losing a loved one can be shattering in more ways than one, not the least of which is financially. Pecuniary damages speak to the financial expenses connected to medical and funeral expenses, as well as the cost of services the victim would have provided (such as childcare, yard care, and so on), lost wages, and the loss of support. In some situations, grief counseling might be covered. Pain and suffering, loss of companionship for spouses, and loss of guidance for minor children, may each be compensated. The amount of compensation depends on a number of issues, but can reach close to $3 million in some situations.
What is the Statute of Limitations?
It’s important for those wishing to file a wrongful death suit to be aware of the statute of limitations. This is the period during which a wrongful death lawsuit may be filed. A wrongful death suit in the state of Maryland must be filed within three years of the untimely death, even if the death occurs long after the injury was sustained.
Your Legal Advocate
Are you considering a wrongful death suit, but are unsure of how to proceed? The Baltimore personal injury attorneys at The Law Office of Hasson D. Barnes offer our condolences. Beyond that, we are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for you. No amount of money will bring back your loved one, but it can certainly make life a little easier going forward. To discuss your situation, schedule a confidential consultation in our Baltimore office today.